Douglas and Anna are both from the UK and loved traveling – two individuals after my own heart. They met halfway around the globe in a Sydney hostel when they were on their individual travels and have never looked back since. There are some weddings that you simply can’t place a tag on – forget the themes, the flowers, the stunning gown and jewellery. All that mattered that autumn day was the love shared between the two of them and as friends and family mingled during the cocktail reception, played crochet and bocce on the lawn, laughed and teared during the heartfelt speeches, and danced the night away under the stars against the Perth city lights – I thought to myself, that this is how a wedding should be like.

      I will always be grateful for being part of this intimate celebration – it opened my eyes and heart to the stories I would later on yearn to tell.

      This wedding is also featured on The Wedding Scoop here.

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      Wedding dress – Leigh Hetherington | Flowers – Eufloria | Venue – Mounts Bay Sailing Club | Cake – Sherbet | Cupcakes – Homemade by the bride and bridesmaids | Live band – James Wilson | Car – Aston Martin

